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NAWA: String Trio

NAWA: String Trio


Apple Music / iTunes Store リリースのコンサルティング、ディストリビューションを担当。

1. Kokiriko

2. Kaigara Kogi

3. Vallis Fluminum

4. Kat Onoma

5. Mushin

6. The Rescue

All tracks composed and performed by NAWA


Track 1 arranged from traditional Japanese

Track 5 lyrics by Shinmin Sakamura

Produced, mixed and mastered by Paul Mahoux


津嶋としひと(the firefly clan)はグナワ文化とブルースについて深く精通し、優れたギタリストでもあります。翁長良忠は和琴と琉球宮廷音楽の専門家。Paul Mahouxは、ジャズ、アンビエント・グルーヴ系サウンドのバックグラウンドを持つギタリスト兼トラックメーカーです。



NAWA is the fortuitous and ephemeral gathering of three string instrumentalists from Okinawa. They all come from a very different background.

Toshi Tsushima has a deep and authentic understanding of Gnawa culture and Blues. He is also an excellent guitarist. Yoshi Onaga is a specialist of Japanese koto and Ryuukyuu court music. Paul Mahoux is a guitarist and track maker coming from Jazz, Ambient and Groove backgrounds.

So, the name NAWA, which means “rope” or “string” in Japanese, also suggests the names of Morrocan Gnawa culture and the Okinawa island. Due to several reasons, the main one being the Covid pandemic, the band's activities were interrupted before they could do a dedicated recording in a studio. So this album is actually rehearsal recordings, all of them being mainly improvised, with some further addition of percussion and electronics.

The happy result is that not only is this combination of instruments very unique, but the music itself is very fresh and dynamic.

NAWA , a sound you never heard !





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